Scientific day of inauguration of the axis Paper & Board of the Program "Recycling, recyclability and re-use of materials".

Novembre 30, 2023: Scientific day of inauguration of the axis Paper & Board of the Program "Recycling, recyclability and re-use of materials".
This event follows the launch on 31 May 2023 of the Programme et Équipements Prioritaires de Recherche (PEPR) "Recyclage, recyclabilité et ré-utilisation des matières".
This program, which is a systemic and holistic approach, focuses on five major families of materials used daily: plastics, composite materials, textiles, strategic metals and paper/board.

The scientific day of 30 November focused on the Paper & Paperboard axis. The "Packaging, Recycling, Recyclability, Re-use of papers and cardboards" project will develop new sustainable processes to improve the properties of recycled fibres (upcycling), study the recovery of solid and liquid discharges from the conventional recycling process, develop new processes for recycling and recovery of all separated elements in the case of composite materials. It will provide an environmental and societal/holistic analysis of the targeted processes.

Aftermovie of the scientific day

Watch the short video below to find out more about this scientific day and this project.



9.30 - 10.00 Welcome Coffee
10.00 - 10.45 Introduction by the National Research Agency (ANR)
Presentation of the CNRS
Presentation of the LGP2 - Laboratory of Process Engineering for Biorefinery, Bio-based
Materials and Functional Printing, coordinator of the Paper & Paperboard axis
10.45 - 12.00 Presentation of project partners, objectives and planned actions
12.00 - 14.00 Lunch
14.00 - 15.00 Round table : The challenges of paper and cardboard recycling, with the participation of CITEO, DS Smith, Centre Technique du Papier, L'Oréal and Essity.
15.00 - 17.00 Visit of the LGP2 - Laboratory of Process Engineering for Biorefinery, Bio-based
Materials and Functional Printing



Date infos

9.30 - 17.00