LGP2 - Laboratoire

Library Anselme-Payen - Intranet

Version en français


Grenoble INP - Pagora and LGP2
teaching and research library


6563 documents
916 theses
300 magazine titles, including 45 current subscriptions
66 seats
2 project rooms


  • Paper process engineering
  • Paper chemistry and eco-processes
  • Printing processes
  • Bio-sourced materials


  • Students (Grenoble INP - Pagora, UGA)
  • Doctoral and post-doctoral students (LGP2)
  • Teacher-researchers (Grenoble INP - Pagora, UGA / LGP2)
  • Outside visitors by appointment only

Lending conditions

  • Bachelor's students: 4 weeks
  • Master's students, PhD students, staff: 8 weeks

Opening hours

Monday - Tuesday - Thursday
8am - 12am / 1pm - 5pm

8am - 12am / 1pm - 4pm

Closed in August and university vacations

BELUGA, your search tool (French)

Search, find, consult, store and send references and full-text documents: it's just a few clicks away with the UGA Online Library.

By logging on to the UGA Online Library, you benefit from direct access to full text and additional functionalities:
  • search, find, consult,
  • extend your loans, reserve documents,
  • create favorites,
  • access digital collections,
  • export reference lists...
You can find a BELUGA training guide HERE.
Develop your information skills HERE (French).

Advanced search
Access your reader account

Access to digital resources

Installation procedures for Click & read and EZproxy browser extensions

You can automatically access the full text of articles subscribed to by UGA Libraries and other partner institutions by installing plugins.

Click and Read

Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Safari

Access to the tool (French)


Essential databases for Grenoble INP - Pagora and LGP2: strategic tools for academic research and higher education

Techniques de l’ingénieur (French)

The largest French-language technical and scientific documentary resource by Editions TI, specialized in information for technical and scientific professionals: reference articles and practical fact sheets validated by scientific committees. Reference articles available in English since September 2024.

Chemical Abstracts SciFinder-n

Database produced by the American Chemical Society (ACS). Covers most aspects of chemistry and related disiplines. Contains references and information about chemical substances, structures, properties, reactions and patents. Allows e.g. search based on chemical structure, formula, reactions or name.Chronological coverage since 1907.

The creation of a personal account, linked to a UGA institutional email address, is essential to access this database. See the procedure for creating an account at SciFinder (French). It is strictly not recommended to create an account several times with the same email address. In the event of a password problem (if an account has already been created), it is recommended to click on "Can't log in?" then reset the password: https://accounts-cas-org.sid2nomade-1.grenet.fr/password/.


Bibliographic database produced by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) and which covers the fields of physics, electronics, computer science and information and communication sciences. Consultation on the OVID platform.

Web of Science WoS / Science Citation Index Expanded

WoS is a citation database (enriched metadata and abstracts)r eporting world literature in the scientific, technical and medical fields and offering several bibliometric indicators (impact factor, H index). Originally produced by Thomson Reuters. The entire content is made up of the analysis of more than 10,000 periodicals and more than 110,000 conference proceedings. Chronological coverage dates back to 1975. The collection includes the Expanded Science Citation Index, which begins coverage in 1989.

Scholarvox Cyberlibris (French)

Community digital library dedicated to academic institutions, business schools and engineering schools, and accessible through Beluga.
Tens of thousands of full-text digital books in the following fields: science and technology, humanities and social sciences, economics and management. Numerous possibilities for use and sharing (personal shelves, notes, comments, etc.).

Google Scholar

Search engine results target scientific articles and academic publications, but do not match the quality of results from scientific databases. Google Scholar is not suitable for bibliometric research evaluation applications. 

When using Google Scholar, you can automatically access the full text of articles to which the university library subscribes in two ways: Add Université Grenoble Alpes links to Google Scholar
Set up Google Scholar so that links automatically appear to the full text only when the university library has subscribed.
- from the Google Scholar home page, click on Settings ;
- click on Links to libraries ;
- search for UGA ;
- check Université Grenoble Alpes - Accès BU UGA


All the latest national and international news: press, blogs, video capsules, web TV, biographies and studies, reports and sector analyses.


Access to Elsevier's 2,500 multidisciplinary journals only, just as SpringerLink distributes titles published by Springer, and WileyOnline distributes titles published by Wiley. Not recommended as a sole bibliographic resource. 

Library rules

  • Please show your reader's card (or student card) for all book borrowing.
  • Any delay in returning borrowed document(s) is penalized by a suspension of borrowing equal to the length of the delay.
  • Respect silence and do not disturb the work of others (switch off cell phones).
  • Food and drink are prohibited.
  • In the event of the anti-theft alarm being triggered and to prevent any criminal act, the contents of bags may be checked.
Rules (French)