M. LACHENAL Dominique

Professeur Émérite / Professor Emeritus
461 rue de la Papeterie - CS 10065 - 38402 Saint Martin d'Hères Cedex - FRANCE
04 76 82 69 48
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LGP2 - Équipe de recherche / Research group

Thèmes de recherche

Procédés chimiques de mise en pâte et du blanchiment

Research themes

Chemical pulping and bleaching processes

Publications (HAL)

Activités / CV

After my PhD in Organic Electrochemistry, obtained in 1974 at Grenoble University, I was recruited by CTP, the French Pulp and Paper Research Institute as research scientist in the field of pulp manufacture. I joined the University of Washington for a one year sabbatical with Pr Kyosti Sarkanen. On my return, I took the responsability of the academic collaborations for Centre Technique du Papier and, in 1989, I was named full Professor at Grenoble Institute of Technology (Grenoble INP) in charge of the wood and pulp chemistry chair.
I became Director of Research (1993) and General Director (2002) of Grenoble-INP Pagora, one of the 2 biggest education centres at University level in the European Community in the paper sector (permanent staff: 80, students: 200 in the Master programme and 35 in the PhD programme).

My research activity developed in the field of pulping chemistry and technology, cellulose and lignin chemistry, biorefinery and bioproducts, which gave me the opportunity of presenting more than 300 scientific contributions worldwide, to be inventor in 25 patents and to supervise 40 PhD theses.

My research achievements have been widely recognized:
• Alexander MITSCHERLICH medal given by the German Association of Paper Engineers (Zellcheming) (1997)
• TAPPI Pulp Manufacture Division Award associated to the Johan Richter Prize (1998),
• TAPPI Research and Development Technical Award associated to the William Aiken Prize (2005).
• PAPTAC Weldon Award (2008)    
• Fellow of the International Academy of Wood Science (1996)
• Senior Advisor of the Marcus Wallenberg Foundation (1993)
• Doctor Honoris Causa of the Saint Petersburg Forestry Academy (2005)
• Gold medalist of the Agriculture Academy of France (2015)